Frequently Asked Questions


What does Pasture Raised and Free Range mean?
Our pasture raised hens are raised according to Humane Farm Animal Care’s Certified Humane standards for pasture raised hens. Farmhouse Pasture Raised hens are pastured 12 months of the year outdoors with 2.5 acres of pasture area per every 1000 birds for plenty of room to roam and explore. The hens have access to their house throughout the day for shelter and are kept indoors at night to protect them from predators.
Our free range hens are raised according to Humane Farm Animal Care’s Certified Humane standards for free-range hens. Farmhouse Free Range hens roam outdoors with 2 square feet of pasture area per hen for them to forage and enjoy. The hens have access to their house throughout the day for shelter and are kept indoors at night to protect them from predators.


What are Cage-Free FARMHOUSE EGGS®?

The hens selected to lay Cage-Free FARMHOUSE EGGS® are not kept in cages and are free to roam in a protected barn environment. The hens are provided with sunlight, shade, shelter, an exercise area, fresh air and are protected from predators. Nests are provided for the flock from which eggs are collected either manually or on a mechanical belt.


What are Organic FARMHOUSE EGGS®?

Organic FARMHOUSE EGGS® come from cage-free hens that are fed a certified organic version of the all-vegetarian hen feed. Organic FARMHOUSE EGGS® are derived from hens reared, housed, and fed in compliance with the regulations of the National Organic Program administered by the USDA. This requires strict adherence to rules concerning the source and type of ingredients in diets, housing, and freedom from exposure to pesticides, as well as chemicals or substances which are not approved. Hens producing eggs under the National Organic Program are allowed free access to the entire area of their houses and have access to outside protected areas.



Yes. The Orthodox Union, the largest kosher certification organization in the world, certifies FARMHOUSE EGGS® as kosher. Each FARMHOUSE carton carries the symbol to clearly identify it as kosher. For Kosher information, see


Where can I buy FARMHOUSE EGGS®?

You can find FARMHOUSE EGGS® in the egg section of dairy cases in select grocery stores across the country. If you are unable to find FARMHOUSE EGGS® at your local store, ask your dairy manager, and then please e-mail us at so we can work together to bring FARMHOUSE EGGS® to your supermarket.


How often does a hen lay an egg?

The entire time from ovulation to laying is about 25 hours. About 30 minutes later, the hen will begin making another egg. A hen lays about 9 eggs in a 10-day period.


Why do some hard-cooked eggs have a greenish ring around the yolk?

The harmless greenish ring is due to an iron and sulfur compound which forms when eggs are overcooked or not cooled quickly.


What is the difference between brown and white shelled eggs?

There are no nutritional or functional differences. Shell egg color is determined by the breed of hen and is not related to quality, nutrients, flavor or cooking characteristics. Since brown egg layers are slightly larger birds and require more food, brown eggs are usually more expensive than white.


How long will eggs keep?

Fresh shell eggs will remain good for 2-3 weeks after the “sell-by”, "use by" or “best-before” date, if they are not cracked and have been refrigerated properly. They must be refrigerated as soon as possible after purchase from a refrigerated case. Hard-cooked eggs should be consumed within one week.


What is the best way to store eggs?

Store eggs in their carton to minimize the absorption of refrigerator odors.


Is it safe to eat raw eggs?

It's best not to serve raw or lightly-cooked dishes made with eggs. While the risk of salmonella poisoning from eggs is minimal, precautionary steps should always be taken to heat eggs for recipes calling for raw or lightly cooked eggs.

Many recipes that require raw or undercooked eggs can be easily revised with a cooking step. Whole eggs, yolks, or whites can be combined with sugar, water or other liquid from the recipe and should be cooked over low heat until the mixture coats a metal spoon with a thin film or reaches 160° F.


Why are some hard-cooked eggs difficult to peel?

Fresh eggs may be difficult to peel. Eggs that have been stored for a week to 10 days before cooking will usually peel more easily because the interior contents shrink and pull away from the inside of the shell.


What causes blood spots?

Small spots of blood (sometimes called "meat" spots) are occasionally found in an egg yolk. These do not indicate a fertile egg; they are caused by the rupture of a blood vessel on the yolk surface during the formation of the egg. Most eggs with blood spots are removed during the grading process, but a few may escape detection. As an egg ages, water moves from the albumen into the yolk, diluting the blood spot. Thus, a visible blood spot indicates a fresh egg. Such eggs are suitable for consumption. The spot can be removed with the tip of a knife if you wish. Brown eggs commonly have specks of brown pigment floating in the egg white. These spots are not blood and are harmless to the consumer!


Are FARMHOUSE EGGS® a good source of protein?

Yes, FARMHOUSE EGGS® are a good source of protein. Protein is a part of every body cell and critical to the process of making new body tissue during times of growth, infancy, childhood, adolescence, and pregnancy. Many experts believe eggs are the best source of high-quality protein. Each FARMHOUSE egg contains 6.3 grams of much-needed protein.